Marc Raco and hosts discuss whatâ's wrong with the world, showcase new artists, and throw around pop culture, entertainment, food, news everything os on the menu!
There's curmudgeon producer Elsie, inventive games, fun, interviews, guest jokes and much more in every one-hour episode”plus theres always the infamous End of Show Food!
With more than 535,000 worldwide downloads/streams since releasing our first co-hosted episode October, 2012—and growing every day”everyone is becoming a monkey!
The Good Parts:
They have done a good job of changing their episodes names.
I liked the dialog more than the forced funny.
You seem to do a good job of getting out of a topic once you hit it.- for the most part
Your website better, but still needs work
You have better titles than the last time.
Parts That Need Tweaked
Marc should invest in a dynamic microphone – its right at the point of annoying.
Lose the background music in the background to get some without lyrics
Move the second intro closer to the beginning to help your momentum.
My complaints about Blog talk radio are not your fault. You are somewhat screwed, and moving away from them will be difficult if you want your audience to follow. (Blog talk radio messes up your ID3 tags, points to the wrong website, and hijacks your RSS feed).
Erik’s Thoughts
The Good Parts
The details of the stories were solid. Â They become genuinely funny when you are mentioning cartoons you watched or describing skiers collapsing.
Know what you hope to accomplish with the story. Â Lead with an intriguing intro. My girlfriend called a help desk and I totally busted they guy with his bait-and-switch move. Then tell the story.
Parts That Could be Tweaked
Jokes tend to be predictable. Â Name one president that wouldn't be included in a Presidents Day Sale? Nixon. How about Vladamir Putin? Â Somebody people don't expect. Funny is when you lead people where they think you should go and then do the unexpected. Â Of course the sales call ended with Where else could it end? Live Show Replay
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