What Makes You Try a New Podcast?

Jim is back and Dave got some feedback from the show? We've heard the "Signal to Noise Ratio" has become a bit more noise. So today we cut the show shorter when we ran out of topics.

SPONSOR: www.PodcastBranding.co
If you need podcast artwork, logos, or a full website (or a branding audit) reach out to Mark at podcastbranding.co not only is Mark an award-winning graphic artist, he is also a podcaster.  He has made the artwork for my last few shows. 

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00:01:18  Sponsor:podcastbranding.co
00:02:30  Mugshot:basedonatruestorypodcast.com
00:03:06  Signal to Noise Ratio
00:05:08  What Makes You Try a New Podcast?
00:13:27  Why do you listen?
00:14:59  Poppy Joins
00:17:50  Advertising Pricing
00:20:05  Acast Bought Podchaser
00:21:10  Awesome Supporters
00:23:00  Jim Has Replaced his Co-hosts With Guests
00:34:57  Awkward Conversations
00:35:48  Noisy Closet
00:40:32  Audacity Updated
00:41:07  Go back a few years and see where you were
00:44:20  Always Listen Before uploading Your Episode
00:45:10  App Summo Deals

Brandy - See Demo

Smart Prompt - See Demo

00:49:32  Email and Phishing
00:54:35  Newsletters
00:56:55  Cleaning up the Zoom H6
00:59:53  Surveying Your Audience
01:06:31  Mic Flags
01:09:11  Tascam DR-10
01:12:29  Marker 26
01:14:16  Previews

Mentioned In This Episode

School of Podcasting
www.schoolofpodcasting.com/youtube and use the coupon youtube

Tascam DR-10

Rode reporter Microphone

Zoom H6

Mic Flags

Brandy - See Demo

Smart Prompt - See Demo

Every week Dave Jackson from the School of Podcasting ( www.schoolofpodcasting.com and Jim Collison from the Average Guy Network (www.theaverageguy.tv )answer your podcast questions.
This episode 400 is part of the Power of Podcasting Network (www.powerofpodcasting.com