June 9, 2013

Youth With a Mission

Youth With a Mission
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Youth With a Mission

The YWAM Podcast is a place for you to find out more about what is happening around Youth With A Mission in these three areas. We talk about upcoming training opportunities, evangelism opportunities and ways that you can be involved in showing Godâ€...


The YWAM Podcast is a place for you to find out more about what is happening around Youth With A Mission in these three areas. We talk about upcoming training opportunities, evangelism opportunities and ways that you can be involved in showing God’s love in practical ways.


The website is very white. They say the easiest site to read is black text on a white background. Its very easy to navigate, and you can easily contact them if needed. The only thing I would recommend would be putting buttons to subscribe in iTunes and a standard RSS button. Check out this video to see how.

As the website is so incredibly white, I might play with adding a background color to the website. Keep the posts white, but change the background color to something that’s not white (maybe off white, gray, etc if you want to stick with the black/white theme).

Audio Quality

The audio quality was fine as much of it he had no control over (as he played clips or videos that he did not create). Bill did do a good job of making sure the volumes were even so when he started a video clip it didn’t blast my head off, or make me reach for the volume knob to turn up. His ID3 tags were included, and everything was fine.

Personal and Informative

Bill talk about his personal experience in this organization. It tied in and added a nice personal touch. It became more of a conversation than a news show. Many podcasters throw in personal stories that have nothing to do with what they are talking about, but Bill used his personal story because it DID tie in with his podcast.

A Great Example of How Organizations to Keep their Chapters Up to Date

If you have an organization and you want to keep them up to date, as well as use as a promotional tool – this is a great example. In addition to keeping people up to date, the podcast also included a music spotlight (which goes with knowing the audience and what they would enjoy).

Things Done Well:

1. Great job taking multiple clips and making sure the volumes are even.

2. Making finding the content on the website easy (with things like www.ywampodcast.com/62 )

3. Extensive show notes that leave no questions for visitors.

Things I was Confused On

It took me a few glances to figure out where the links to subscribe in iTunes were located. Also you mentioned dts (some sort of training that people do right after high school). I don’t know what DTS stands for (even though you did say it a few times). While this is “jargon” to people outside of your target audience, this probably was a second hand comment to anyone who is involved with YAWM.


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