The description of the Route 66 Podcast is “talks with people living and working along the Mother Road.” You can find it at
The episode we reviewed is
What We Thought Was Done Well
- The opening with Dennis’ voice was unique. The phone quality added to the nostalgia of the episode.
- Nice rustic opening music
- Nice plug of the earlier episode
- You do a good job of asking the questions and letting the guest talk
- Nice tease with the trivia answer to keep people listening
What We Might Tweak
- Dave thought taking 11 minutes to get to the interview was a bit too long, but Erik thought it was OK but would change the “Now let's start the show” to something different as you had been doing the show for 11 minutes.
- There are times when you read that you need to add a bit of voice inflection and make some effort (either via pauses, or music) to make smoother transitions.
- Your website has not title tag which is a vital ingredient to SEO and being found
- Three calls to action at the end of the show. try to narrow that down to one.
- The yellow highlighter color is a bit much to look at for long periods.
- As your audience may be older, you might want to add a page with instructions on how to subscribe to the show
- You have a great resource page, but didn't mention it much on the podcast. You can drive traffic by saying, “we have a video of this at the website”
Check out the Route 66 Podcast
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