Wake Up Eager Workforce Description: Helping senior leaders build and sustain an energetic, committed and drama-free workforce, including tools and resources for hiring and promoting the right people. Information to reduce turnover and improve producti...
Helping senior leaders build and sustain an energetic, committed and drama-free workforce, including tools and resources for hiring and promoting the right people. Information to reduce turnover and improve productivity. You’ll learn everything you need to know about building a high performing and successful Wake Up Eager Workforce: Insightful insider tips and best practices;
Revealing employee selection and development expert resources; Helpful guidance and action steps for building energy, commitment and communication in organizations; Ongoing motivation, encouragement and support for all of your hiring and development efforts.
Website: https://www.pricelessprofessional.com/wakeupeagerworkforce.html
You have a great website, with phenomenal show notes.
There was often good content, but it needed to be shortened
It's nice that your transcript is separate from your show notes
There was an issues with “popping P's” that can be fixed with better microphone placement
Your little wrap-up up points were not little. These could be improved by shortening them. These are summaries (bullet points)
The “fun” questions were entertaining, but putting them at the very beginning may not be a good first impression
Be listening for places where a guest can tell stories
The recap led into a show close that felt like it lasted forever.
You have too many calls to action
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