By ordering this review you are granting me rights to play clips of your podcast on my show. Also, to be on the show live you need to be available Thursday evenings at 8:30 PM EST. (this is part of our new format). You will be reviewed by Dave (Technology), and Erik K. John (Content Specialist). Once we receive your payment, you will be taken to a form to fill in the information about your show.

More Than Just a Review

Dave Jackson has been building websites and teaching podcasting for many years (and he has spoken at many events on podcasting) Erik has been helping content creators build engaging content for many years (and his Radio station has won awards)

Two Consultants for half the price of one


Podcast Review Show - Full Consultation

We both listen to your podcast, then come together and listen to it with you and provide feedback. If you did this separately it would be over $500. In addition to the coaching, you get the added exposure of being on the live Google Hangout and the added bonus of being the podcast in iTunes. For just $199, it's quite a value. Here what  Bill Hutchison has to say about being reviewed. You can hear my review of Bill's show here Buy Full Review $199

Buy Full Podcast Review

Buy Full Review $199


Podcast Review Lite

If you would prefer to not be reviewed live, we have an option for you as well. This is the same review except you don't come on the show with us live, you won't be able to ask questions, and you won't appear on our youtube channel. You will still get our analysis of your show.

Lite Podcast Review

Podcast Review Lite $149